Question for Obamacare opposers

Question for Obamacare opposers

There are many aspects on which I (and others) object to what is called Obamacare. Covering them off briefly: Philosophical: 1. The bill as written remains unconstitutional. Yes I’m aware that the Supreme Court ruled it as valid (and that is indeed the end of the argument) but they did so by calling the funding mechanism a tax where the plain face language as well as congressional intent is opposite to this. Why do I care one way/another? I’m deeply uncomfortable with the government mandating the purchase of private products. Practical: 2. The bill solves the problem of who pays for medical care (by forcing those who don’t need it (the young) to buy coverage but does absolutely nothing to address the cost of that care. OP your cancer treatment will now be paid for with the aid of your fellow americans…and surely thats a good thing (for you), but consider — why is your cancer treatment so expensive? Why does it cost tens of thousands for a hospital stay? Obamacare can be viewed as a massive wealth transfer from the masses (heavily skewed towards taking the assets of the healthy young) and giving that wealth to the medical industry. There is ZERO challenge to the cost of providing you your care. In sum — because someone was charging you 1m for your treatment, the government saw fit to take that money from your neighbors to raise the payment. You can see the problem when next year they want 2m. 3. Due to the lack of price control incentive anywhere in the system, you are unlikely to get optimum care. By this I mean, everytime you see a new doctor/specialist for your cancer care they have a STRONG incentive to order a battery of tests which either a) have no impact on your treatment and thus waste your time/taking away resource care from someone else or b) possibly is detrimental to your care. I’m referring to being asked to take multiple MRI’s or CAT cans or being prescribed more expensive treatment options; not because these are better for YOU, but because the profit is greater for the specialist/hospital; either via limiting their liability or simply padding their pockets. I could go on re: the destabilizing effects of Obamacare but I think I’ve covered the major ones in a manner meaningful to you.

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