2 year long Sahara desert dune time lapse

2 year long Sahara desert dune time lapse

If you’re in the UK: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b01qh31v/Africa_Sahara/ If not, I’m not sure it will be available to you. The programme is called Africa: Sahara and is part of a series on Africa made by the BBC. Video description: Northern Africa is home to the greatest desert on Earth, the Sahara. On the fringes, huge zebras battle over dwindling resources and naked mole rats avoid the heat by living a bizarre underground existence. Within the desert, where the sand dunes ‘sing’, camels seek out water with the help of their herders and tiny swallows navigate across thousands of square miles to find a solitary oasis. This is a story of an apocalypse and how, when nature is overrun, some are forced to flee, some endure, but a few seize the opportunity to establish a new order. If you can’t access it some of the features were silver ants, naked mole rats, tumble weed, dung beetles, camels, and deathstalker scorpion if you want to look them up.

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